Tag Archives: Joe Biden

A Beautiful City

By Cody Boteler

I believe in a lot of things. I believe the sun will rise tomorrow morning; I believe life is messy and entropic and beautiful; I believe that history is a lot more complicated than “us vs. them.” But most of all, I believe that we, as humans, are on this ball of mud to experience and share love with every other person.

That is why I support LGBT rights wholeheartedly. I support complete equality. If I’m going to be able to marry the woman of my dreams one day, everyone should be able to marry the person they love. Fair’s fair; love’s love.

Which is why I’m so disappointed in the United Methodist Church. Just a few weeks ago, the UMC ruled to maintain that homosexual acts are “incompatible with Christian teaching.”

For almost as long as I can remember, the UMC has been a significant part of my life. It’s heartbreaking to see an organization that means so much to me place itself on the wrong side of history.

I know, I know. The Bible condemns homosexuality. It also okays slavery, condemns tattoos, prohibits the eating of shellfish, and states that women should remain silent in church. That same Bible says that every transgression is just as bad as any other…so why are those who protest homosexual rights because of their faith not protesting Red Lobsters and tattoo parlors? Why is homosexuality worthy of these protests?

I’m not going to pretend to know the answer. But it’s incredibly unfortunate. Jesus taught love, acceptance, and caring for everyone, and a lot of people seem to forget that he hung around prostitutes, lepers, and tax collectors.

I should also mention that I’m less than thrilled with NC for approving Amendment One, which defined marriage as a union strictly between one man and one woman, and outlawed any other kind of civil union. I’m flat-out disgusted that the first amendment made to the North Carolina Constitution restricts freedom, instead of enabling it.

On a more positive note, I’m incredibly glad that President Obama made history by coming out as the first president to openly support homosexual rights. Hopefully it’ll serve as a catalyst for the unceasing march toward equality.

Anyway. In almost every case, I believe that history can’t be simplified to a story of “us vs. them.” The narrative of the human experience is much more complicated than good guys and bad guys.

In most cases.

Not in cases of basic human rights. In instances of basic human rights, people who oppose, oppress, or otherwise act as a barrier to these inherent freedoms put themselves on the wrong side of history.

I’m hopeful, though. The President and Vice President have openly supported gay rights. Several States (Maryland included!) have supported it.

I believe that, as a society, we’re on our way to creating a Beautiful City. A society firmly founded in liberty and justice for everyone. I believe that, long as it may take, with enough empathy, education, and determination, we’ll reach a point where issues over basic rights are history. A dark and sad part of history, but history.

We’re on our way to a better world, and I couldn’t live with myself if I couldn’t tell my grandchildren I didn’t support it.

(The above is solely the opinion of the author, and the views expressed do not necessarily correspond with those of the TJ Chronicle.)